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The Bipeds: Australopithecus


What happened when the first man stood up and could see over the tall grass? One day in the life of  Australipithecus.


Fun facts: There where no trees only bushes; They ate a fruit similar to the Physalis; They were always in groups. 


The Team


Directed and Produced  by: Ezequiel Tano and Margarita Rojas
Illustration: Ezequiel Tano y Margarita Rojas
Animation: Bujor Stefanescu; Ezequiel Tano

Color: Mica Lucas; Margarita Rojas;    Ezequiel Tano
Edition and compositing: Hugo Morais
Client: MediaPro


Homo Habilis: Making tools

Homo Habilis: The Use Of Tools


A day in the life of the Homo Habilis. I have to say that this is one of my favorite pices of the bunch.


The Team


Directed and Produced  by: Ezequiel Tano;  Margarita Rojas
Illustration: Ezequiel Tano
Animation: Bujor Stefanescu: Ezequiel Tano

Color: Mica Lucas; Margarita Rojas;    Ezequiel Tano
Edition and compositing: Hugo Morais
Client: MediaPro

Homo Erectus: The Use Of Fire


The influence of fire over their way of life was crucial. It kept them safe and warm during the night. The also perfected their tools and began cooking their food.

The Team


Directed and Produced  by: Ezequiel Tano; Margarita Rojas
Illustration: Ezequiel Tano; Margarita Rojas
Animation: Javier Vaquero; Bujor Stefanescu; Ezequiel Tano
Edition and compositing: Hugo Morais
Client: MediaPro

Homo Neanderthalensis


Contrary to what I always believed about the Neanderthal man they were the first to develop symbolic thinking. They buried their dead with a ritual; they cured their sick and were able to recognize themselves as individuals; and of course my favorite , they painted. Simple symbols but the artistic need to represent was there.

The team


Directed and Produced  by: Ezequiel Tano; Margarita Rojas
Illustration: Ezequiel Tano; Margarita Rojas
Animation: Javier Vaquero; Pablo Navarro; Ezequiel Tano
Edition and compositing: Hugo Morais
Client: MediaPro

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